Week 2: Polarity & creative Movement
In week 2 we expand our exploration of the masculine and feminine energies to include other poles of experience. As we explore the core poles of separation and connection we begin to apply these concepts to experiences, feelings, and relationships.
We notice what we must separate from as we connect to new opportunities, people, feelings. What must be surrendered in order to accept what is here now? (saying no to play for work, or no to work for play.)
We notice what we have to connect with as we allow ourselves full experiences of separation; welcoming doses of the fullness of heavy emotions, independence, quiet peace, relief of responsibilities, permission to Be.
This is a long term exploration that begins with an awareness of opposites and an interest in integration. Our ability to traverse the range of experiences between poles is what gives us an embodied experience of integration. Integration becomes wholeness and a confidence in our abilities to be present and loving with it all, whatever arise.
We turn judgement (good/bad) into discernment (helpful/unhelpful). It's not personal. It's all just information. And as we release attachment in this way we have more wiggle room to make new choices that truly serve our needs.
A recap:
Connecting Energy
Enlivened. Seeking. Bright. Open. Asserting. Outward. Explorative. Trusting. Permissive. "Yes and..."
Separating Energy
Low energy. Inward. Closed. reclaiming. Introspective. Complete. Limited. Known. Final. Witholding. Boundaries. "No, thank you."
Tools for navigating the Spectrum of Connection & Separation
Discernment. Self-awareness. Observer Self. Grounding practices. Higher Self/Source/God relationship.
We notice what we must separate from as we connect to new opportunities, people, feelings. What must be surrendered in order to accept what is here now? (saying no to play for work, or no to work for play.)
We notice what we have to connect with as we allow ourselves full experiences of separation; welcoming doses of the fullness of heavy emotions, independence, quiet peace, relief of responsibilities, permission to Be.
This is a long term exploration that begins with an awareness of opposites and an interest in integration. Our ability to traverse the range of experiences between poles is what gives us an embodied experience of integration. Integration becomes wholeness and a confidence in our abilities to be present and loving with it all, whatever arise.
We turn judgement (good/bad) into discernment (helpful/unhelpful). It's not personal. It's all just information. And as we release attachment in this way we have more wiggle room to make new choices that truly serve our needs.
A recap:
Connecting Energy
Enlivened. Seeking. Bright. Open. Asserting. Outward. Explorative. Trusting. Permissive. "Yes and..."
Separating Energy
Low energy. Inward. Closed. reclaiming. Introspective. Complete. Limited. Known. Final. Witholding. Boundaries. "No, thank you."
Tools for navigating the Spectrum of Connection & Separation
Discernment. Self-awareness. Observer Self. Grounding practices. Higher Self/Source/God relationship.
Pole & Spectrum Examples
Week 2 Group Call Recording:
Coming Soon
Part 1. Group shares from masculine feminine dynamics.
Part 2. Polarity teaching begins at 17:30
Part 2. Polarity teaching begins at 17:30
As you begin locating yourself on the wheel look for the new beginnings you're longing for. These are the long term cravings you've had, the pleasures that extend beyond a moment of release (often experienced through sugar, alcohol, sex etc.). Long term pleasures create a foundational wellbeing for your days, weeks and years. From a clear foundational wellbeing you can more effectively expand your well being, which is your contribution to your surrounding world.
You can also begin by looking at the experiences you want to be separate from and use that as a pushing-off point to gain your momentum in a new direction. Every creation will have a central location in the center self and an extended location in the two poles. The pole of separation, which can circumambulate the wheel, will be what you are separating from, and the pole of connection will be what you are coming into new connection with.
For each story/identity, locate your position at both poles. For example, if you have a pole of connection for sobriety when entering the desire/inspiration stage then your pole of separation will be addiction and it will be clearing the connection stage and beginning its return to total separation. The Addiction identity is still alive, but will wane in its power as you cultivate the sobriety story, which will become a sobriety identity.
What are the new identities and stories you want to create for yourself?
What are the old stories and identities they are replacing?
Keep it simple.
New Story: I am someone who knows how to protect myself with clarity and grace.
Old Story: I used to be someone who either became too aggressive when I needed to protect myself (causing damage), or failed to boundaries and collapsed into submission.
New Story: I am someone who can forgive, to set myself free, while also practicing discernment to set the boundaries I need to care for my wellbeing.
What are the last pieces that you're clinging onto from a recent investment. This can be anything you've invested time, money, energy, or resources in.
Simply put:
Where is your pole of connection (Front of a creative wave)? Where is your pole of separation (back of a creative wave)?
You can also begin by looking at the experiences you want to be separate from and use that as a pushing-off point to gain your momentum in a new direction. Every creation will have a central location in the center self and an extended location in the two poles. The pole of separation, which can circumambulate the wheel, will be what you are separating from, and the pole of connection will be what you are coming into new connection with.
For each story/identity, locate your position at both poles. For example, if you have a pole of connection for sobriety when entering the desire/inspiration stage then your pole of separation will be addiction and it will be clearing the connection stage and beginning its return to total separation. The Addiction identity is still alive, but will wane in its power as you cultivate the sobriety story, which will become a sobriety identity.
What are the new identities and stories you want to create for yourself?
What are the old stories and identities they are replacing?
Keep it simple.
New Story: I am someone who knows how to protect myself with clarity and grace.
Old Story: I used to be someone who either became too aggressive when I needed to protect myself (causing damage), or failed to boundaries and collapsed into submission.
New Story: I am someone who can forgive, to set myself free, while also practicing discernment to set the boundaries I need to care for my wellbeing.
What are the last pieces that you're clinging onto from a recent investment. This can be anything you've invested time, money, energy, or resources in.
Simply put:
Where is your pole of connection (Front of a creative wave)? Where is your pole of separation (back of a creative wave)?